PostNord TPL supports an equal logistics industry
In January, the Bossa network held a logistics safari through Norrköping – with and for women in the logistics industry. PostNord TPL helped organize the event and has now also chosen to become a sponsor of the network.
Johanna Lager, Business Development Manager in Region East, has managed the whole thing from PostNord TPL's side and highlights the importance of sharing knowledge between women in the industry.
– It’s a strength that we meet each other and exchange our experiences. Women are underrepresented in the industry, so it feels fun and important that we come together and share our knowledge with each other. It’s also great for us at TPL to be able to show our fantastic warehouses and talk more about them, says Johanna.
In Norrköping, the event has also spread outside the network.
– It has been extra fun to strengthen the regional exchange and now we have even organized another logistics safari with Norrköpings Hamn and Rusta, which is aimed at students and logistics education, says Johanna.
The goal – a more inclusive and equal logistics industry
Bossa network was founded by Klara Eriksson and Hilda Hultén just 1.5 years ago and is intended to connect women in the industry. The goal is to make logistics more attractive and create a modern, fun and exciting work environment that more women want to be part of.
– The whole idea is “better together”. Everyone can participate, not just managers or those with a certain amount of experience. We have a strong focus on sharing knowledge and exchanging experiences between women in the industry, says Hilda Hultén.